bridge of healthHealth is like a bridge. Optimal health is the centerline. Sub-optimal health falls between the center line and the edge. Disease is falling off the bridge. The closer to the edge of the bridge you are, the more damage there is to the enzyme systems and natural defenses in the body, and the more toxins are accumulated in the body.

bungee jumpingConventional medicine is a bungie cord. When you fall off the bridge manifesting a disease, the drugs you take might jerk you back up to the edge, but you teeter there, just waiting for a nudge that makes you fall off again. Conventional drugs do not eliminate the toxins or address the cause of the disease. In fact, they add to the toxins, and cause the disease to progress much faster.


All disease is characterized by three processes:

  1. Excretion of toxins is blocked
  2. Deposition of toxins in the cells
  3. Degeneration of the tissues by the toxins

children jumpingHealth is characterized by natural energy. Adults look at two year olds and say, “I wish I had their energy.” They have that energy because they are not usually toxified at the age of two. Toxification occurs over time. Generally we see natural toxification occur slowly, so that by the time a person is elderly, they manifest diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, etc. But even today’s standard of elderly being 70 and above, that is not old by biblical standards. It is recorded in the bible that people lived healthfully to 120. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt at the age of 80. We could still live to the age of 120 if we didn’t encourage disease by toxification. Everything in modern society leads to toxification. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t toxification in biblical times. Stress is the number one toxifier. I’m sure there was a lot of stress in just living day to day, finding food, and defending one’s family in the BC eras. But today we have stress in addition to outside influences.

Disease today is caused by several factors:

  1. Absence of the proper microbacterial flora that supports a healthy body.
  2. Toxins
    1. Autointoxication
      1. Stress
      2. Inadequate nutrition
      3. Failure to excrete
    2. Heterointoxication (poisoning from outside the body)
      1. Pollutions
      2. Drugs
      3. Food additives
  3. Loss of qi
  4. Autoimmune responses to toxins inside, on, or surrounding the cells.

      This information is not known by the average American.  You can help get it out there by having Dr. Cheek speak to your community groups.