I received this email from the Virginia Board of Medicine:

Dear Linda Cheek:

The Virginia Department of Health Professions, Board of Medicine received a complaint regarding your practice. As the regulatory department for the licensing of health care professionals, this agency is responsible for reviewing complaints to determine whether a violation of Virginia statute or regulation may have occurred.

The Board is seeking to obtain your response and explanation to the enclosed matter. Be advised that the enclosures contain confidential information and should be handled accordingly. There may be other pertinent matters of law or regulations that also need to be addressed during this investigation that are not specifically referenced in the written complaint.


The Board of Medicine received an anonymous complaint alleging that you are using the term “MD” while adverting on the following websites: https://sevenpillarstotalhealth.com/flu-vaccine-yes-or-no/ and https://doctorsofcourage.org/.

To proceed with this investigation and expedite the handling of this case, I ask that you respond to the following questions.



1.  Did you consent to the above websites? If not, who did?

2.  Are you advertising that you are an MD on signage and/or business cards?

3.  Provide your rationale for advertising in this manner.

4.  Since you are not licensed as a medical doctor in the state of Virginia, do you plan to cease using the term MD while advertising on your websites or anywhere?

5.  If you have made changes to your websites, please indicate the date the changes were made.

6.  Provide any other relevant information/supporting documentation you would like the Board to consider.

7.  Provide a daytime phone number where you can be reached.


The complaint they supposedly received was listed as “anonymous”, dated Sat, Aug 20, 2022.  However, it reeks of BOM involvement, like the attacks on me in the early 2000’s to start the paper trail against me for the DOJ to use in the trials they were preparing.  The BOM knows that I am working on a future lawsuit on their monopoly.  Is this their method to try to get me to shut down my legitimate websites? Good luck!

Here is the “anonymous” complaint:

This person that has had their medical license taken twice is posting on at least 2 known websites touting ordering for clients supplies of herbal remedies that she once prescribed as a ‘homeopathic doctor and GIVES INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO TAKE THE SUPPLEMENT AKE THE SUPPLEMENT, AS WELL AS STATING SHE ORDERS THE PRODUCT FOR HER CLIENTS. ‘I personally started using Muco Coccinum as my flu preventer in 2004. Since that time, with no flu vaccine, neither I nor my family have shown symptoms of influenza. I truly do believe in the effectiveness of this remedy. The directions, should you decide to try it, is to start taking it the beginning of November so that immunity is built up before the virus shows itself. Then continue to take it through March, or after the flu has left the region. You should still have immunity for a month after stopping. Homeopathic remedies are dissolved in the mouth. Muco Coccinum is a tablet. Just let it sit in the mouth until it dissolves. No chewing.

You take Muco Coccinum for prevention 1 tablet per week.

If you get the flu, take 1 tablet per day until the flu is gone. It should cut down on how long the illness lasts.’

‘I can order Muco Coccinum from the company in America that distributes UNDA products. It is on the website at Muco Coccinum. But this will only be available during flu season. Generally one person needs 2 boxes (20 tablets) for the season. I will be ordering this only one time, before November, and I won’t be ordering a large surplus over what I need. So if you want to use it, get your order in. Just understand that it won’t be shipped until mid-late October, after I’ve placed the order.’

She also states prominently on her site ‘ Linda Cheek, MD’ which is misleading to those that believe she is simply a ‘retired physician’ when in fact her license was yanked twice, as well as Medicaid/Medicare fraud AND that she spent time in the clinker for aforementioned acts. It is a disgrace she is able to post these misleading messages to the general public and scary, considering people are easily swayed..especially in a time of public health emergency.

https://sevenpillarstotalhealth.com/flu- https://sevenpillarstotalhealth.com/flu-vaccine-yes-or-no/

She also states,’Today chronic disease is the product of conventional medicine. They caused it, and now they continue it to sell the pills. Pain is the body telling you that something is wrong. It shouldn’t be ignored. Drugs are not the cause of drug abuse, but doctors are being victimized by the government for money.’ https://sevenpillarstotalhealth.com/store/

This is again misinformation^^^ it’s scary to think someone parading as a physician is doing such things. Yes, there is a disclaimer on her site, but the disclaimer is seemingly nulled by the fact she offers directions for use, ability to order and gross misinformation on the product. She also offers speaking engagements for a fee. This is disgusting to me and should be stopped. She also runs ‘doctors of courage’ https://doctorsofcourage.org/

Check out her other site as well. This is scary she feels she is allowed to do this.

My Response

Here is the quick response to their email that I sent back.  I have not answered all their questions, as I would hope they will see the illegitimacy of their attack on me and give it up.  Instead, they should be holding the full board hearing I requested around December, 2020.

Yes, I do use Linda Cheek, MD on all of my websites, https://www.sevenpillarstotalhealth.com, https://sevenpillarstotalhealth.com, and https://www.doctorsofcourage.com.  The judge in all of my legal cases, Glenn Conrad, stated my use of MD was legal and appropriate, because my education cannot be taken away from me, and MD is a recognition of that education.  I state on all of my websites that I an unlicensed and I do not treat patients. The fact that I was illegally charged with crimes I did not commit in order to stop my practice for the benefit of hospitals and surgeons is explained as well.  The complaint you show looks like it stemmed from the board of medicine itself, or one of those groups supported by such, which is not for the good of patients or medicine.

The information I present is purely general information as any alternative medicine website is.  There are tons of websites out there explaining alternative medicine and many of those doing so have no medical degree or education, and they have no problem.  There are people in the state of Virginia with no medical degree that are actually treating patients with alternative medicine, and they are doing it free and clear.  So why are you attacking me?  Because of my pending work holding you accountable for the attacks on doctors for doing their job.  Good luck!  See you in court!

It has been 2 years since my hearing to be reinstated to do only prolotherapy was held and my petition denied.  Why have I not had a full hearing as requested?  THAT should be your priority, not attacking me for my freedom of speech rights.   I should have that hearing in the next board session.  How about getting that done?

So we’ll see what becomes of this. Is death, like what happened to Dr. Zena Crenshaw-Logal, the next on my horizon?