End the War on Drugs, Doctors, and Pain Patients.
Take Control of Your Own Health and Well-being
End government propaganda, get the government out of the doctor’s office, and cure your own diseases. Save lives and dollars. We hold the key to success HERE!!
Linda Cheek, MD
What exactly will you learn from the course
End the War on Drugs, Doctors, and Pain Patients?
The REAL cause of drug abuse and addiction
And it isn’t the drugs!! The real cause is toxicity in the body, caused by our lifestyle. With this information we can end the government attacks on opioids and restore pain management. We can end the war on drugs, the black market, the border crisis, and the wasted tax dollars.
How to remove the toxins in the body that cause disease
It doesn’t matter where on the lifeline you are, disease can be prevented, halted, or even removed from the body. Even stage 4 cancer can be cured. Fibromyalgia can be cured. Addiction can be cured. Has any conventional doctor told you this? NO! Because conventional medicine doesn’t cure! But you can learn how to do it yourself.
The different forms of complementary/alternative/functional medicine
You will learn how these forms of medicine compare with conventional Western medicine and how you can use them. Most conventional doctors can’t or won’t discuss alternatives because of legal ramifications if they do. It is therefore the patient’s responsibility to learn the differences themselves and use the form of medicine that is best.
How energy is actually the basis of health and healing
Matter is not the basis of the existence of life, energy is. But even since Einstein’s discovery of this phenomenon, conventional medicine is still hung up on matter. Opening the door to energy principles opens the door to healing.
How you can use that natural power.
How to choose the right healing path for you. Every person is different and every approach must be individualized. There is no “one size fits all” in medicine, even though that’s what pharmaceuticals are based on. Through this course you will learn how to find the right healing path for yourself, or find a practitioner that can help.
An in-depth study of various modalities of healing like homeopathy, prolotherapy, and auriculotherapy.
Understanding the basics of these simple techniques can help the individual find their path to healing…and how you can apply it to quickly achieve a result that you never dreamed about.

In addition to ending the War on Drugs, this ecourse brings real medicine back. So what do we mean by “Bringing Medicine Back”?
Conventional western medicine is only about 140 years old. And even during 100 of those years, people didn’t really depend on doctors for their health or illness. We have only become dependent on doctors in the last 50 years. The problem with conventional medicine is that it doesn’t heal disease, but maintains it.
At the same time that more people have become dependent on conventional medicine, knowledge about healing medicine has increased. But it is often piecemeal, and a lot of it is not based on actual scientific approaches, but simple restructuring of conventional Western medicine. Also, for the most part, they offer one suggestion, which again, is the one-size-fits-all approach. This just does not work for 75% of the population.
Through the course of my years of training in alternative approaches, I have uncovered the basis for how healing occurs, and how conventional medicine prevents it from happening. Life experience has also given me the knowledge of healing that over time has escaped the average person’s knowledge base or has never been given. The dependency on conventional doctors (who only have a hammer in their toolbox) by the average person, has caused a loss of this knowledge.
Wouldn’t you like to know again how to maintain good health with simple treatments you can do yourself without the need of a doctor, and that will actually cure the illness quicker, easier, and cheaper without drugs? For example, how about preventing a cold with the first symptom or at least getting rid of a cold in 1 to 4 days instead of the usual 2 weeks? Wouldn’t you like to know how to cure the chronic disease that you might have now, and return to complete health?
So the goal of this ecourse, besides ending the attacks on doctors and pain patients, is to teach medicine that heals instead of maintains disease and methods of healing that have been forgotten over the last couple of generations. Everyone needs this information for themselves and their family.
January-May, 2025 Your Chance to Invoke Change in America
We have an opportunity to get the government out of our doctors’ offices and end the attacks on pain management. But to do that, everyone involved needs to come together with the same message. Conflicting messages or rabbit trails will get us nowhere. We hold the key to success with the knowledge we will teach in this ecourse, End the War on Drugs, Doctors, and Pain Patients.
The attacks on doctors treating pain today is simply a developed program by government officials to give defunct agencies jobs and salaries. We must end this, and with the new administration, that is a great possibility, IF we go about it the righ way. We have the right way. So I hope you are interested enough to join our ecourse, learn what is needed to end the drug propaganda, and support our trip to Washington in May, 2025 to share this with RFK, Jr and our legislators in Congress.
Value: unlimited
Actual Cost:
$347 one time payment
$58.97 for 6 monthly payments
$50 for attacked professionals
$50 of this cost will go to supporting Dr. Salerian’s February 15th conference in New Orleans. The remainder will be used to support our trip to Washington. So what does the Ecourse include?

The Cause of Addiction is Toxicity
Through the ecourse you will learn how toxicity causes not only addiction, but all chronic disease.
End the Propaganda
First, we must get across to Washington that drugs are not the cause of addiction. Through learning in this ecourse, you will know what the real cause of addiction is as well as how it can be prevented or treated. Since the rate of addiction is now doubling every 7 years, it could affect you or someone you love before you even realize it is happening. And through this knowledge we can offset the government propaganda against all drugs, end the wasted money being spent, end the border crisis, and restore appropriate pain management to 1/3 of the American population.

Action: Repeal the Controlled Substance Act
The only end result that will restore pain management is the complete repeal of the Controlled Substance Act. With the knowledge learned in this ecourse, that is not only possible, but probable. With the repeal of the CSA, the DEA is dissolved. doctors are exonerated and free to practice medicine again with licenses restored, patients receive the treatment they need, illegal drugs are no longer needed.
Seven Steps to Healing
Toxins can be removed from the body. But it has to be done through the right medical knowledge, and conventional medicine has no clue. They simply maintain toxicity and add to it though their pharmaceuticals. Through this ecourse you will learn how to remove the toxins from the cells of the body and heal any chronic disease.

The science of homeopathy is the most scientifically based medicine there is. We teach the basics so you can use it to help you heal from disease. How about getting rid of a cold in 2 days instead of 2 weeks? We’ll teach you that plus much more. Only homeopathy will trigger the body to remove toxins from the diseased cells, thereby healing from the disease.
Nutrition for Healing
To help you in your own health or healing journey, we teach the most important factor in the diet that either causes disease or prevents it–acidification.

Musculoskeletal diseases can be healed through a treatment called prolotherapy. People to learn about this treatment. Surgery does more harm than good. Through prolotherapy, the body heals what is damaged.
Energy Medicine
The basis for healing is in energy, not in bichemistry. Energy medicine is not taught or used in Conventional medicine, but you can learn it and use it yourself. Acupuncture, auricular therapy, EFT tapping are easy forms of medicine that you can learn and perform on yourself or your loved ones. Through this ecourse these methods will be explained so you can start using them.

The course creator is
Linda Cheek, MD
AchievementsBA in Biology, UT at Austin |
PublicationsTarget: Pain Doc |
We must repeal the Controlled Substance Act. What is the CSA causing?
- Medical professionals going to prison
- Patients being abandoned
- Patients suffering from lack of pain management.
- Suicides
- Overdose deaths from illicit drugs.
- Wasted tax dollars chasing the rabbit (CDC guidelines, etc)
- Black market
- Border crisis
With the repeal of the Controlled Substance Act, all of these problems will disappear.
Stay Informed. Help End the War on Drugs, Doctors, and Pain Patients. Subscribe Today!
6621 Williamson Rd, #7715
Roanoke, VA 24019