It’s time for a new paradigm. Hey, that could be our slogan or bumper sticker. Forest Gump, move over. But joking aside, the 150 year old experiment with pharmaceutical medicine needs to come to an end. What have we learned from this experiment? Pharmaceuticals don’t...
I received this email from the Virginia Board of Medicine: Dear Linda Cheek: The Virginia Department of Health Professions, Board of Medicine received a complaint regarding your practice. As the regulatory department for the licensing of health care professionals,...
Commercial hand sanitizers are extremely unhealthy! With the knowledge I have about the REAL cause of disease—toxicity—and how the body is forced to deal with it, I have a prediction: In the next 5 years we will see an increase in 30-40 year olds, now seemingly...
There is so much conflicting information about vaccines, people don’t know what to believe. But this is true of most conventional medical information. People have to take the information available, look at it from a non-judgmental perspective, and decide what is best...
Once you’ve read the post–Flu Vaccine? Yes or No?–and you want to know what the alternatives are, you need to learn about Muco Coccinum. In my opinion, it is the best flu preventive on the market. Muco Coccinum is a homeopathic nosode preparation plex...
The first explanation of this phenomena came from an incarcerated physician. Although you can google it and information has been available since June 3, there has been no mention on the news. So here it is for those of you exposed, positive, or for future reference....
Health is like a bridge. Optimal health is the centerline. Sub-optimal health falls between the center line and the edge. Disease is falling off the bridge. The closer to the edge of the bridge you are, the more damage there is to the enzyme systems and natural...
The first time I ran up against the obstinacies of authority was in 1968. I was an 18 y/o sophomore at Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Mary Washington, at that time, was a woman’s college in the Virginia state college system. The University of...
“The advent of the human brain on the stage of the universe makes nature obsolete.”– Dr. David Porush’s Law In the shadow of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, where the spirit of enlightenment once sparked a revolution, a new battle is brewing, one not of muskets and declarations, but of artificial intelligence algorithms and free will. […]
The rise of multiple artificial intelligences (AIs) and predictive analytics has transformed American law enforcement into a highly sophisticated system of surveillance and control, disproportionately targeting Black and Brown communities. These data-driven approaches, justified as crime prevention, have instead functioned as tools for wealth extraction, enriching the legal class structure at the expense of marginalized […]
Pray and send support to John D. Whelan, MD, as he is an innocent doctor incarcerated through illegal DOJ methods, and is giving up in prison The post John Whelan, MD needs your prayers and support appeared first on Doctors of Courage.
“We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men or women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place […]
“In the end, what separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No. A man chooses, a slave obeys.”–Andrew Ryan, BioShock The BioShock franchise stands as one of America’s greatest artistic achievements, offering a profound reflection on Uncle Sam’s pursuit of an idealized utopia. Beneath the veneer of nationalistic pride, BioShock exposes the often harsh […]
“The richest one percent of this country owns half our country’s wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do, stock and real estate speculation. It’s bullshit! You got ninety percent of the American […]
“Bitches and Snitches that is what America is”–Bill Maher Comedian In a recent Twitter/X Space hosted by Dr. Liza Dunn, a compelling dialogue unfolded, with Dr. Norman Clement delving into the contentious waters of positive eugenics. The discussion was deeply rooted in the themes of the iconic film “Gattaca,” while also drawing parallels with the […]
“I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That’s my dream. That’s my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor… and surviving.” Colonel Kurtz, Apocalypse Now Amidst the backdrop of total economic dread, an act of violence has underscored the public’s frustration and rage against America’s systemic healthcare […]
As U.S. Government artificial intelligence (AI) becomes a staple in U.S. healthcare, it brings powerful capabilities to predict high-stakes outcomes like opioid overdose. By analyzing millions of patient records, a recent U.S. Government study identified key factors that predict the likelihood of overdose in patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain. These factors include a history […]
A Christmas Truce From the Doctors of Courage (DOC) to the U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ) O ye who read this truthful rime from Flanders, kneel and say: God speed the time when every day Shall be as Christmas Day.—- A Christmas Carol from Flanders, World War 1 In the dim glow of Christmas lights, […]