Linda Cheek, MD
Healthcare Advocate, Speaker, and Author
End the War on Drugs, Doctors, and Pain Patients
The Future of Medicine
Learn about true healing, not just maintaining disease.
Conventional medicine is great for the pharmaceutical companies.
Healing traditional medicine is the future.
Stop Government Overreach
End the criminalization of medicine and the destruction of the doctor/patient relationship.
Release the captives.
Achieve Health–
yourself, family, business, or contacts
Linda Helps You Do It!
A powerful speaker, full of experience, knowledge, compassion, and a real heart for her subject matter. She can move people to action!
“Outstanding people have one think in common: an absolute sense of mission.”–Zig Ziglar
Keynote/other speaker at live or virtual conferences
Business conferences--help increase productivity
Schools--address employees, students, or parents
Churches, synogogues, mosques--reaching the world
Government--they need the truth to do what is needed.
Community Service Clubs--Rotary, Masons, Elks, etc.
Even individual groups of friends...
If you have a group, Dr. Cheek is willing to speak!
I Can Only Imagine
What the World
Would Be Like If…
People knew how their diet affected their health.
People knew how to heal joint injury.
People knew that drugs themselves are not the cause of addiction…and what is.
Drugs don't cause addiction. Surprised?
Attacking drugs as the cause of addiction was politial to disenfranchise minorities. Now it is a means of attacking innocent physicians for money and jobs. Learn (and teach) the truth.
You are what you eat--Hippocrates
The importance of diet has been recognized for thousands of years. But it is not taught today. Chronic disease is the result. Learn how to use diet to eliminate disease.
A real modality to fix joint pain and malfunction.
Prolotherapy is an accepted osteopathic treatment for musculoskeletal issues. It fixes the problem, not just cover it up. People need to know about it and choose it over destructive surgery.
The most scientifically based medicine.
Western Medicine is not scientifically based, but pure guesswork. The most scientifically based, through controlled studies, is homeopathy. And it works! It IS the medicine of the future. Help get it out into people’s knowledge.
Justice Reform is a must.
As a victim of our out-of-control justice system, Dr. Cheek can address the problems and the solutions.
Take the First Step
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” –Lao Tsu
“The first step binds one to the second.”
“Be the change that you want to see in the world.” –Mahatma Ghandi
“Linda is a doctor of courage who is passionate about educating people on what is truthfully happening to doctors and their patients in a misguided war on pain patients, opioids and doctors.” Kathy Spain
“Linda was the hallmark of the conference. Her audience participation and quick moving style made it for me.”
“A storyteller au naturale. Everyone can relate and take the message home with them”

Don’t Wait Any Longer.
Help Bring Healing to America!
Medical Disclaimer:
Content on this website is for informational purposes only. We are not diagnosing or treating any type of disease or medical condition. It is not intended to substitute for medical treatment or diagnosis. Consult your health care provider if you are experiencing any symptoms and before beginning any type of natural, integrative, or conventional treatment regimen. By using any or all of this information, you do so at your own risk. No warranties are expressed or implied. Any application of the material provided is at the reader’s discretion and is his or her sole responsibility.
Linda Cheek, MD
6621 Williamson Rd, #7715
Roanoke, VA 24019
Envigorating, life-changing, history-creating thinker/doer. Be a part of the change you want to see in the world.
© 2024 Linda Cheek, MD.