The Hippocrates Series

This course has been developed to demonstrate a solid, scientific basis for decriminalizing normal opioid prescribing, for releasing wrongfully imprisoned clinicians, and to provide a sensible rationale to stop State Attorneys-General from mounting fiction-based, greedy lawsuits against legal pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Every medical professional needs to take this course to protect their practice, their family, and their freedom. Every prescriber is a target. There is no “right way” in the eyes of the DOJ, except not prescribing at all, and as professionals, we can’t cave to that, as we follow Primum Non Nocere.

Linda Cheek, MD

What exactly will you learn from the course The Hippocrates Series?

How to restore pain management.

With the success this course envisions, Chronic Pain Patients (and many other pain-suffering patients with acute and intermittent pain, e.g. ER, Postop, Dental, cancer, end-of-life patients) should have their usual-dose (of MMEs, morphine milligram equivalents) restored without fear.

How the government criminalizes medical professionals who dare prescribe, dispense, or deliver legal opioid medications. 

No one is immune to the government tactics, but they especially attack minorities. It’s a government agenda, which I will explain in the course.

HOW WE GOT HERE: The History of our Government-Caused Paindemic

From the beginning of the use of opium, through the development of opiates and opioids, to their use today. When the government stepped in to take control, what they are doing, and why.

An intensive study of the laws being used against us.

The laws being used were never designed to be used against medical professionals. Those in practice are naive to how they are being used, and need to be aware.  It is imperative that doctors take this ecourse BEFORE they are attacked, as well as those already attacked.

The involvement of Andrew Kolodny and PROP in the government agenda.

The PROPagenda has killed almost all normal pain care for, not only Chronic Pain Patients, but for all kinds and levels of pain, thereby resulting in successive debiliation deaths and suicides of mistreated and untreated pain patients.

How to protect yourself against government misapplication of federal law.

A vile DOJ/DEA “side-effect” has been raiding medical practices of, seizing (read “stealing”) assets of, and imprisoning INNOCENT OPIOID-PRESCRIBING CLINICIANS. Through this course, we will teach you ways to protect yourself from this government overreach.

Ready to get started?


Lessons are currently being developed. As they are developed, we will list them here.

Helen Borel, RN, MFA, PhD

Helen Borel, RN, MFA, PhD

Material Contributor and Author

Helen has graciously contributed her amazing wordology to the creation of this ecourse.  If you see any words structurally pictoral of the situation, give credit to Helen, not me.

Helen has a tremendous understanding of the attacks on us. She’s figured it out as a patient as well as a professional.



American Agony

American Agony

by Helen Borel, RN, MFA, PhD

Helen has written an amazing accounting of the paindemic since 2016. I recommend that you read her book in preparation for the class. Here are the links:





Linda Cheek, MD

Linda Cheek, MD

She is a former family practice and healing alternative medicine physician in Southwest Virginia forced into retirement, as well as made a convicted felon, by an out-of-control government whose working philosophy now is “Do whatever it takes”. Her first career was teaching. She incorporates all of her professions in her ecourses. She wants to share this knowledge with you to end the attacks on opioids, the medical professionals prescribing and dispensing them, and the patients who need them.